Grandview High School

Performing Arts Patrons

Who are the GHS Performing Arts Patrons?

This is a group of family and community members that support the education of performing arts students at Grandview High School.

This group directly helps students through financial and volunteer support including:

Our membership portal is up and running! Memberships to GHS Performing Arts Patrons can be renewed or added for the 2024-2025 school year.

Patrons meet on the 1st Tuesday of every month in the band room (6pm if there is a concert). Meetings are open to all.

King Soopers - Create a digital account and LINK YOUR SHOPPER'S CARD.  Grandview Performing Arts (#WL073). 

Matching Contributions

Many employers offer matching fund programs, and donations to Grandview High School Performing Arts Patrons qualify for these.

Organization Details

Mail donations to:
Grandview High School Performing Arts Patrons
20500 E Arapahoe Road
Aurora, CO 80016


How can I help out now?   Please come volunteer at one of our many events.

Fall 2024 Performing Arts Volunteer Opportunities

Football Game Trailer Drivers

Band Party

Grandview Patrons is on Facebook and Instagram too! Follow us @GrandviewPatrons 

Patrons Board

Ann Lynard and Robin Penne


Merchandise Chair
Caren Berger

Grand Evening - Co-Chairs
Amy King and Dana Linder

Grand Evening Shadows

Rick Engdahl

Ann Bailey

Volunteer Coordinator
Debbie Stevens

Merchandise Chair
Colleen Dooley

Website/Social Media
Kristie Moss 


Debbie Donaghe

